D.I.Y. What?




Beautiful Mess!




Wow! Started this yesterday and I have followers! Thank you!

So today I want to talk about the D.I.Y.  Do It Yourself.  I also have questions but we’ll get to those in a few minutes.  Ok so here’s the thing, I love a well written D.I.Y. and enjoy making every attempt to follow along to create my version of whatever it is. Many times I’ll find one almost impossible to follow for a variety of reasons, unclear instructions, missing components, or its just thrown together so poorly it becomes impossible to do.  Now mind you I am not mentioning any names because to do that would be offensive.  And I’m a believer that all of us do make our best attempt at explaining how to do something. Right? What I want to do is write a few D.I.Y.’s my-self but before I go ahead and begin, I have questions.

What I would like is for each of you to comment here on what you think makes a good tutorial for a D.I.Y. Or if you’d like email me.  ezmeraldas.yard@gmail.com

And by that I mean, do you find pictures helpful, or how far down do you want it broken down? Would many of you prefer a video demonstration? I find that helps me a lot.  What kinds of things would you be interested in seeing tutorials for?  How to create what? What is it you want to make?  Or is there something you have and don’t know what to do with it?  With other blogs, Pinterest, YouTube and the massive amounts of other websites, there’s a tremendous amount of variety out there. So I’m sure you could find what you wanted through those sites. What I want to do is help those of you who find it frustrating and confusing to follow along.  And take that item you had to have because you saw it and said I could make something with this, and then never did and are at a loss as to what to do with it now.

Anyhow that’s it for today; I’m off to work on some of my own art for a bit. Hope your day is filled with good things!

About ezmeraldas

I'm a self-taught artist, and am always looking for new ways to challenge myself. My favorite medium is painting; I'm more of an abstract type. But have been know on occasion to dabble in jewelry design, clay, paper, textiles. Some were a lot of fun, and others as we all know happens sometimes turned out to be EPIC failures, but still a learning experience. I consider myself an amateur photographer and use the pictures I take as inspiration for painting. The people that truly know me consider me a loner, or the lurker which is true to an extent. I step out of my comfort zone as much as possible, because I realized (perhaps a bit late) that reaching out and trying new things and getting involved in other projects is the best way to learn and make new friends. View all posts by ezmeraldas

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